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President: Sara Vroom
Vice President: Tina Larcombe-Day
Secretary: Meredith Kessell
Membership Officer & After Rally Coordinator: Claire Hurst
Uniform Coordinator: Claire Hurst/Carol Indriolo
Instructor Coordinator: Grace Hitchens
Treasurer & Rally Coordinator: Karen Nelson
Digital/Website, Comms Coordinator: Kelly Kent/Louise Shaw
Morning Tea Coordinators: Pixie Stott
Clubhouse Maintenance: Belinda Moreton/Sue Croonen
Pony Club Liaison: Karen Nelson
ARCA Representatives: Meredith Kessell/Louise Shaw
Christmas Rally Organisers: Pixie Stott/Carole Indriolo
General Committee Members: Katherine Sturges and Megan Berzins​​​​​
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