Dear Members
Hope you just had a laugh - please find the updated version of email below!
Welcome to Wallangarra Adult Riders! Whether you’re a returning member or joining us for the first time, we’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. We’re looking forward to an exciting year full of learning and fun.
Our first rally is just around the corner, and here’s everything you need to know!
Meet Your 2025 Committee
Our dedicated committee is already hard at work planning rallies, events, and ensuring the year runs smoothly. A big thank you to all members who have stepped up to volunteer their time: Committee | Wallangarra Adult Riders Club

Rally RSVP's
Please email wallyadultrsvp@gmail.com Sunday, 26th February (one week prior) to the rally date with a copy of your rally fee transfer receipt ($50 per rally).
​Account Name: Wallangarra Adult Riders
BSB: 066162
Account: 10471711
Reference: Name & Rally Date
In your RSVP, please let us know what level of flatwork (prep, prelim, novice, elementary) and/or jumping (poles, 45cm, 60cm, 70cm, 90cm) you would like to do and if you have any preferences (e.g., just one class, just jumping, paired with a friend, etc.) and our rally coordinator will do her best to accommodate everyone. ​Please note that requests for coaches and time slots are not available.
First Rally Details
Date: Sunday, 2nd February 2025
Arrival Time: 7:00 – 7:15 AM
First Lesson Start Time: 8:00 AM
The class schedule will be posted in the clubhouse on the morning of the rally. Be sure to check it upon arrival. If you’re riding in the first class, please tack up. If you’re in the second class, assist with setup.
General Rally Information
Gear: Ensure you have appropriate, safe riding gear as outlined in the member information pack.
Horse: Bring hay for your horse. Water is available on-site.
Yourself: Bring water for yourself and feel free to bring a plate to share for morning tea. Tea and coffee will be available in the clubhouse during breaks.
Clean up: Please bag and take home your horse’s manure. Clean up yards and around floats.
If your horse
In-Class Cleanup: If your horse decides to “lighten the load” during a lesson, please circle back after your lesson and tidy up. (Let’s keep it clean for everyone).
What if I Need to Cancel?
Before Rally Day: Email the rally coordinator at wallyadultrsvp@gmail.com. Note: Rally fees are non-refundable and non-transferable unless a vet certificate is provided.
On the Day: Please PM the private FB page.
What if I need to leave a rally early?
If you need to leave early for any reason, please inform the rally coordinator or committee member.
Weather and Horse Welfare
WARC follows Equestrian Australia (EA) and Equestrian Western Australia (EWA) policies to ensure safety during adverse weather conditions:
- Hot Weather Policy: Facilities such as wash bays and shaded areas are available to manage heat stress.
- Thunderstorm and Lightning Policy: We monitor weather and apply the 30/30 “Flash to Bang” rule for safety.
Classes will proceed in rainy weather, but participation is your choice. If severe weather requires cancellation, we’ll organize a theory morning instead. Refunds are not available, as coach payments are still required. You can view the policies in full via the links on our website.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the first rally and throughout the year!
Claire Hurst, Membership Officer & Sara Vroom, President